It is Time to Carline as a Community

At Saint Olaf's carline is a community event. Parents, grandparents, staff, and even students from time to time assist in helping students arrive at and depart from school safely.
Here are a few helpful hints for a successful morning carline;
  1. Pack the night before. We all know how rushed things can get in the morning. Take the time to pack lunches, snack, and book bags the night before bedtime. The fewer items you need to be looking for in the morning the easier it will be to get out the door.
  2. Get the uniform ready. Every house has a sock or shoe that can never be found. Take the time to lay out your students complete uniform the night before. This practice might make things more comfortable in the morning.
  3. Out the door. We have all been there when we are trying to leave the house and can't seem to get out the door. Set the alarm for the family. Have breakfast, pack the car and go with plenty of time to get to school. Carline begins at 7:45 AM and the first bell is at 7:50 AM, and at this time students are welcomed into the building. We want you all to arrive at school safely.
  4. Arriving at school. It is essential to know the traffic flow at Saint Olaf's in the morning. All vehicles arriving after 7:30 AM will be required to enter via the driveway east of the church. Attached to this article, you will find a map of the traffic flow for morning and afternoon carline. Please follow the traffic pattern.
  5. Be aware of and care for the air. Saint Olaf is an idle-free campus. All vehicles are asked to remain idle free while on campus.
  6. Drop off area. Students must be dropped off next to the sidewalk in front of the school. No students may be dropped off before pulling up to the sidewalk as this is a safety issue. We will have community members there to assist students as they arrive and open the doors.
  7. Leaving campus. After dropping off your students, please pull forward and exit through the west exit of the school. This exit is a right turn only exit and is such for your safety.
Here are a few helpful hints for a successful Afternoon carline;
  1. Afternoon carline begins at 3:00 PM.
  2. Getting to know each other. We ask that all families, please print their student's last name on an 8 1/2 x 11-inch paper and display it in the passenger's side of your windshield. Students grade first-eighth and faculty will meet you at our east entrance (backdoor) of the school.
  3. All Kindergarten student will meet their families at the front door of the school. We ask that parents use the western entrance in the afternoon when picking up kinder students. Kindergarten families with older siblings may have all their students meet in the front of the school. Students will be walked out to the front of the school by Ms. Grafton to meet their families.
  4. Be aware of and care for the air. Saint Olaf is an idle-free campus. All vehicles are asked to remain idle free while on campus.
  5. Arriving at school. It is essential to know the traffic flow at Saint Olaf's. All vehicles arriving for afternoon carline will be required to enter via the driveway east of the church and exit via southern entrance. Attached to this article, you will find a map of the traffic flow for afternoon carline. Please follow the traffic pattern.
  6. Leaving campus. After picking up your students, please pull forward and exit through the west exit of the school. This exit is a right turn only exit and is such for your safety.
  7. Drive safely.