About Mrs. Moffat


Tell us about yourself:
I am blessed to be in my 12th year at Saint Olaf Catholic School. Thank you for allowing me to take part in your child's education. I absolutely love watching each of them grow academically and spiritually. Living my Catholic faith and taking care of our students is the best part of my job.

If you could have lunch with 1 person dead or alive, who would that be and why?
My Grandpa Johnson.
What is something on your Bucket List?
Traveling to Rome.
What is your favorite thing about teaching or working with young people?
Taking care of and helping our students.
When are you most yourself?
In the mountains with my family.
What could you spend all day talking about?
Camping outdoor adventures.
What do you like to do when you’re not working?
Camping and fishing with my family.