Fifth Grade

Course Description


Week of Oct. 14

Dear Families,
Don't forget that the last day of the term is this Thursday, Oct. 17.  There will not be school on Friday.
We will have a spelling and vocabulary test this Thursday.  For the vocabulary test, we have 15 words.  Your child will be responsible for eight of them.  Notable, spontaneous, tremor, and hazard are required.  The other four will be your child's choice.  Please make sure your child studies spelling and vocabulary at home.
Fifth and sixth grades are participating in Friday Mass choir for the month of October.  You are welcome to come to Mass and listen to your children.  Fifth grade will also be hosting Mass on Friday, Oct. 25.  I will send home the readings next week.
Winter uniforms will start on Monday, Oct.21
Thank you,
Ms. Barrington


Our class did amazing on the Pledge-O-Meter!  Thank you all who donated and pledged.  
The class earned crazy hair OR hat day and stuffie day as rewards for the pledges.  We had extra recess with Gnarly Charlie on Monday, and today the class had 15 minutes of free time.  As of right now, we are only four pledges away from earning another pledge reward.
Next Monday the students can have crazy hair OR hat day and on Tuesday they can bring a stuffie (no bigger than their desks and has to be able to fit into his/her backpack.
Don't forget to have your child wear clothes that will get color on, and bring garbage bags for back packs and for the car ride home.

The Saint Olaf Fun Run (K-8th) is tomorrow! Thank you to all of our families who have been working hard to raise funds for our school. We truly appreciate your support!

There is only one day left in the program. That makes tonight THE LAST NIGHT FOR PLEDGING before the Saint Olaf Fun Run (K-8th).

Would you consider reaching out to one or two more sponsors tonight?

If you have any questions, please let me know. We hope to see you and your family tomorrow at the BIG event!

Have a wonderful day!

P.S. – It’s not too late to register your child on! To sign up, search for your school or use our school registration code: 585824

Week of September 23

This is just a quick note on a few things happening this week and next.
1.  Please make sure your child charges his/her laptops at home, and that he/she brings them every day.  When charging, please make sure the laptops are completely shut down.
2.  For the color run on Thursday (5th -- 8th graders only):  Send your child in comfortable clothes and shoes, ones that you don't mind get color on.  It is a free dress day.  Since this is a color run, your child will get the colored chalk on them.  You may want to have his/her bring a big garbage bag to transport his/her backpack and Chromebooks in.  The middle schoolers will be dismissed straight to car line from the run.  It might also be a good idea to bring a big garbage bag for your child to sit on in the car.
Next week....
Next Tuesday is picture day.  The students need to be in dress uniform.
SEP's are next Wednesday and Thursday.  Make sure you are signed up for a time.
Thank you,
Ms. Barrington

Funrun part 2

Thank you again for supporting our school through the Saint Olaf Fun Run (K-8th)!

This weekend we are issuing a special challenge! Your child can earn a bonus prize simply by getting a qualifying pledge this weekend only. Check out for details!

And if you’re looking for the easiest way to ask for a pledge, just upload a photo of your student to to create a personalized Student Star Video. This fun, hilarious video starring your child can be shared by email or social media to connect with sponsors and ask for a pledge.

Thank you again for helping our class!

P.S. - If you haven’t registered your child on, search for your school or use our school registration code: 585824

Fun Run update

Saint Olaf Fun Run (K-8th) Families,

Our class is having a great time learning all about how to choose character every day! Make sure to check in with your student today to see what they’ve been learning through MindSpark: Wild West!

I wanted to give you an update on our class’ progress! Our class has reached $16 on our Pledge-O-Meter. We think we can make it even further to help our school!

Will you help us by reaching out to one or two more sponsors tonight?

If you haven’t yet registered your student on don’t worry, there’s still time to do it! Plus, once your student is registered, you’ll find lots of fun, easy ways to reach out to sponsors through our Easy Emailer, Facebook Share Button, or even the Student Star Video!

Thank you for your support of our school!

Let me know if you have any questions!

P.S. The EASIEST way to ask for pledges is to simply click the “Share on Facebook” button on your student’s pledge page. On average, sharing a pledge on Facebook increases total pledges by almost $50 with a single click!