Home and School Association

Our 2024-25 Home and School Board:
  • President: Kelly Trythall
  • Board Member: Melissa Martinez
  • Board Member: Shelby Fisher
  • Auction Chair: Kelly Trythall and Berenize Johnson
If you have any HSA-related questions or would like an item to be addressed at the next HSA meeting, contact the HSA board at [email protected]
2024-2025 HSA Activities at a Glance 
  • Viking Fall Run and Social - Thursday, October 3, 5:30 PM
  • SEP Faculty Dinners (2 nights) - Wednesday - Thursday, September 25 - 26. Sign up link here.
  • Halloween Class Parties and Parade - Thursday, October 31
  • Thanksgiving Chili Cook-Off - Tuesday, November 26
  • Christmas Program Reception - Friday, December 20
  • Valentine's Day Parties - Thursday, February 13
  • SEP Faculty Dinners (2 nights) - Wednesday - Thursday February 12 - 13
  • Annual Auction - TBD late spring
  • Teacher Appreciation Week - May TBD
  • End of Year BBQ Celebration - Friday, May 23 at dismissal
What is the HSA?
The Home and School Association (HSA) exists as a liaison between, parents/guardians, school, and parish with the explicit purpose to foster communication & community while executing school fundraising and social events. All parents/guardians are automatically members of the HSA. The HSA is a dedicated group of volunteers run by an Officer Board, Room Representatives, parents/guardians, faculty, and the Principal. Monthly meetings are held at the school. Parents/guardians are highly encouraged to attend and participate. Pertinent school and parish information is shared in these meetings, including all school activities, events, fundraisers, class parties, and any other school or church information. Meeting notes are published and available to those unable to attend.
What is the purpose of HSA?
  • To promote communication among parents, teachers, and administration
  • To provide information regarding all aspects of education and student growth & development
  • To promote good will and cooperation between parents, faculty, administration, and parish
  • To support the school through specific volunteer activities, social functions, and fundraisers
What are the responsibilities of the HSA Board Members?
  • Work in cooperation with the school administration
  • Conduct Home and School meetings
  • Plan and execute all assigned activities and programs
  • Manage and assist room representatives with their tasks
  • Support and promote the school's educational program
  • Support and promote the primary mission of the school 
What are the responsibilities of the Room Representatives?
The primary responsibility of the Room Representatives is to act as the liaison between the HSA, the teacher and the parents/guardians of the class. Room Reps are the primary contact for their class regarding all Home and School communication and class projects. Classroom projects can range from helping with a specific in-class project, planning and organizing classroom parties, to auction projects and other organized events within or for the class that the teacher or HSA Board requests help with.
2024 - 2025 Room Representatives:
PreK: Lisa Dodd, Anissa Berriocha, Candace Lombardi, Vanessa Paredez, Damara Farkas, Leigh Ann Repko
Kindergarten: Lisa Dodd, Sarah Wood, Destiny Lopez, Justina Lopez
1st: Ashlee Garecht, Amanda Mertens, Leigh Ann Repko
2nd: Alex Campbell, Brianna Slagowski, Halley Turner
3rd: Cathy Ginter, Maria Joel, Danielle Larrabee, Marc Malek, Berenize Johnson
4th: Monique Lopez
5th: Zoe Budge
6th: Di Tinker, JC Corn
7th: Cristal Van Dongen
8th: Amy Henry, Ashlee Garecht
Each family is required to volunteer 30 hours per school year.  What types of things can I do to meet my required volunteer hours?
We offer numerous ways to volunteer. One of the easiest ways to find activities is through the Track IT Forward App.  This App lists any needs including many of those listed below.