Faith and Spirituality

"I long to see you so that I may impart to you some spiritual gift to make you strong-that is, that you and I may be mutually encouraged by each other's faith. Romans 1:11-12
We at Saint Olaf Catholic School, help our students RISE spiritually, according to our mission statement, by both fostering and nurturing a personal relationship with God through Catholic Faith Formation. We recognize the tremendous impact a solid moral foundation has on who a person ultimately becomes. Faith answers the "why" of almost every choice we make. Our students learn to make choices based on the principles of unconditional love, respect, and service, graduating from Saint Olaf with faith that both guides and endures. 

We provide space for students to commune with God. One primary place this occurs is Mass. We attend all-school Mass together every Wednesday. Students worship together with teachers, classmates, and family. Younger children are partnered with older students as year long "Mass buddies" enabling our youngest learners to be mentored, cared for, and friended while older students serve, protect, and guide spiritual younger siblings. These are some of the first relationships Pre-K and Kindergartners experience, and are often the longest lasting friendships. Students participate in Mass through scripture readings, altar serving, gift-bearing, ushering, and choir. Students assist during Mass and are responsible for duties as a class. Students learn behavior etiquette and participation at all ages, presenting scripture as early as Kindergarten. Students actively engage during interactive homilies, often sharing faith experiences.

Prayer is foundational to life with God and each other. We offer multiple opportunities throughout each day, both beginning and ending school with prayer, scripture, and reflection. This is done together through announcements, and is often student lead. We also have prayers for special intentions, grace before meals, and classes pray at various other appropriate times. The school year begins with a Priest blessing and is a very meaningful moment as we dedicate each year to the Lord.
Part of a Christ-centered life is basic Biblical knowledge of what it means to follow Christ. Throughout the year, students participate in specific Catholic themed projects. Our religious curriculum (Finding God) was selected to align with our mission of Christ-centered learners and was designed to build Biblical knowledge, emphasize daily life application, and develop service minded people. We don't just teach Faith, we aspire to live it!  
Students spend the year learning to serve each other, and also participate in projects that reach our local community, our country, and even the broader world. We participate in many of our Parish community's projects throughout the school year and contribute to several local food banks. A student favorite is our monthly "Casual for a Cause" where students and families contribute and/or volunteer to select Causes. 
Our school regularly uses signs, sacramentals, traditions, and rituals of the Roman Catholic Church. Signs of God’s presence are evident in each classroom through the display of crucifixes, religious bulletin boards, icons of Mary and the saints, and rosaries. These symbols are the physical reminders of our mission to be Christ-centered individuals. We observe liturgical seasons by celebrating Advent, Lent, Easter, and Mary in May.  Students attend mass on Ash Wednesday, and participate in Stations of the Cross during Lent. These special services, programs, symbols, and traditions continually point us to Christ, and who He calls us to be, in all we do.  

Saint Olaf Catholic School’s Religion curriculum and instruction are faithful to Roman Catholic Church teachings. The Utah Catholic Schools Office of the Diocese of Salt Lake City provides the framework for our curriculum. In selecting textbooks, we ensure that each series meets the requirements set forth by the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB). Also, we place particular emphasis on our Family Life Program and sacramental preparation.