First Grade

Course Description


A few reminders :O)

1.The Halloween carnival and car show are tomorrow starting at 5:00 for the car show and 6:30 for the carnival. Please note that your student(s) WILL NOT BE WEARING THEIR COSTUMES TO SCHOOL TOMORROW.   It is a mass day, remember that your student must wear their formal uniform. (FYI formal uniform for 1st grade is pants, jumper for girls, polo or white dress shirt. NO t-shirts on mass days.)
2.Thursday (October 31st) the Halloween party, if you would like to help or donate something please email JC Corn or Nicole Harley. Your student May Wear their costume to school then, however no props, masks, gruesome attire or weapons may be worn or brought to school.
3. We have started the second quarter, please remember that your student my not wear shorts to school again until fourth quarter. 
4. Report cards should be out today. Please check Ren-Web, as we no longer send out paper report cards.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me. 
Thank you,
Mrs. Morrison

Field trip Permission Slips

Hey Parents,
Just a reminder, that permission slips for our field trip on Monday (Oct 14th) are due tomorrow! I sent them to everyone via email, if you do not see it. Make sure to check your junk mail as well.
Mrs. Morrison 

Booster Thon

Hey Parents,
The first graders are trying to earn $20.00 a lap, so that they can get chips for their jar. They are trying to earn movie and popcorn Friday! So tell everyone you know and ask them to pledge money for our grade!
Mrs. Morrison

Just an FYI

On Tuesday we will be taking our first math test, for unit one. I do not give math homework on test days. So on Tuesday (Sept 10th), your students will have only a language arts sheet to do for homework. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me. :O)
Thank you,
Mrs. Morrison

Remember No School on Monday/Labor Day!!

Hi Parents,
Just wanted to remind you that there is no school on Monday September 2nd, for Labor Day! Have a great weekend, see you on Tuesday.
Mrs. Morrison 


Hello Parents,
I am in a literacy class this summer, and I had to write a poem about reading and post it to an education site. So I chose our website...I hope you like my poem. :O) Mrs. Morrison

Books, Books, Books…

The more read the more you learn, the more share the more you grow!

On rooftops and playgrounds everyone shares around!

In the classroom grab partner and gather round, it’s story time now!

Read silently or out loud of whimsy and mystical tales!

No matter what you do, we share around here, of books and know how!

So grad your partner and doe- see- doe, it’s time to read out loud!