What is Joinourclass.com?

This year Saint Olaf Catholic School will be using joinourclass.com for our digital school directory and sign-up forum for SEP conferences. We are excited to announce this new platform which will empower our families to control their information and scheduling. Here are few highlights of the joinourclass.com system;
1. Families can update their personal information as well as that of their students. Joinourclass.com is an opt-in system which offers parents the ability to control the information shared with the school community.  Families will also have the option to opt-in to sharing with the community if they are looking for play dates for their students or carpooling needs. For an overview of the system click on the following link: https://joinourclass.com/products/free-school-directory-parents-students/
2. Parents have the opportunity to schedule their own SEP conferences. For a general overview of how the system allows you to do this click on this link https://joinourclass.com/products/parent-teacher-conference-scheduling/
The school will be sending all families an invitation to our specific joinourclass.com site this week with details on how to sign up and schedule SEP conferences.